Answer: TEN
TEN is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 806 times.
Referring Clues:
- Countdown start
- List complement
- X rating?
- Gymnast's goal
- Half a score
- King beater, in pinochle
- Royal flush necessity
- Late evening
- Perfect rating
- Heavenly body?
- Prime-time hour
- Hamilton's bill
- Midmorning
- Large shoe size
- Part of a royal flush
- "Taps" time
- Perfect number
- Rare gymnastics score
- Wallet bill
- Bedtime, for some
- Common base
- Gymnast's dream
- X-rating?
- Pin number?
- Hamilton is on it
- Pins or penny preceder
- Lacrosse quorum
- It's perfect
- Hamilton's place
- It's an honor
- Noted Downing Street address
- Beauty mark?
- Word signaling the end of a match
- Jack's inferior
- Time to play taps
- Lacrosse team
- Blackjack card
- Hang ___
- Blackjack component
- Ring count
- Perfect Olympics score
- Nonscoring baccarat card
- 61-Across, e.g.
- Venice's Council of ___
- British P.M.'s house number
- Sawbuck
- X
- Perfect figure
- Mark of perfection
- Something to take when you're tired?
- Routine perfection?
- "I wouldn't touch it with a __-foot pole!"
- Part of a split, perhaps
- Taps time
- Time for "Taps"
- Casual time to start work
- Downing Street number
- See 52-Down
- Council of ___ (Venetian tribunal)
- Royal flush card
- Count on both hands
- Evening hour
- Perfect beauty, maybe
- Perfect gymnastics score
- Toe count
- Lacrosse contingent
- Walt Frazier, for the Knicks
- Top rating, perhaps
- Full complement of 41-Acrosses
- Phil Rizzuto's retired number
- Metric base
- Full complement of fingers
- Full count
- High end of many scales
- Scale's top, sometimes
- When taps is played
- A fourth of what's left?
- Count in a full count
- Our base system
- Tumbler's dream
- Decimal base
- Top mark
- Number of one-voweled, seven-letter words in this puzzle
- First in double figures
- Wallet item
- Part of some straights
- Knockout of knockouts
- Symbol of perfection
- Some people take it to relax
- Till bill
- Hottie, perhaps
- Real good-looker
- Full complement of toes
- Our base
- Number of lords a-leaping
- Highest tile value in Scrabble
- "I wouldn't touch that with a __-foot pole!"
- Start of a countdown
- Top of some scales
- Number of clues in this puzzle that contain factual inaccuracies
- Number of sides in a decagon
- Top end of a scale
- Phil Rizzuto, on the Yankees
- See 50-Down
- Lacrosse complement
- Card immediately below a jack
- ___ code (set of numbers used by CBers)
- "___ Little Indians" (Christie mystery)
- Blackjack half
- Caesar's X
- What a ref may count to
- Fingers count?
- Number of items in Letterman's lists
- Fight-ending word
- Feet from floor to hoop
- Word that may end a fight
- Gymnasts's goal
- Gymnast's perfect score
- Prime time
- Low card in a royal flush
- Half of a score
- Bo Derek flick
- Coffee break time
- Bo Derek comedy
- Frequent countdown starter
- Gymnastic perfection
- Gymnast's objective
- Scale topper, perhaps
- Target number for an angry counter
- Finger count
- Decimal system base
- Prime time time
- Big ___ (college football division)
- Blair's house number
- Bart Simpson's age
- You can hang it or take it
- Downing Street address
- Toe total
- Countdown starter
- One meaning of X
- Roman X
- What X might mean
- Perfect figure?
- Big ___ (conference that has eleven teams in it)
- Top ___
- X, at times
- One of two in a score
- Lacrosse team count
- Ball with a blue stripe
- Face card's equal in blackjack
- Perfect score, often
- Face card's value in blackjack
- Far-reaching power base?
- Common scale topper
- Knockout number
- Hoop height, in feet
- New time for Leno in New York
- Bill with Hamilton
- Big ___ (college sports elite)
- Two hours before midnight
- Perfect Apgar score
- Olympic perfection
- Pin near the gutter
- X, numerically
- "Big" number in college athletics
- Olympics ideal
- The number at left + 1
- Big ___
- Blue stripe
- 40% of what's left?
- Playing card that has the most pips
- Pearl Jam's debut album
- See 43-Down
- Number in scientific notation
- Pin in some splits
- Card worth 0 in baccarat
- Count on both hands?
- Hexadecimal A
- Second-lowest stripe
- Z's value in Scrabble
- End of a boxing referee's count
- ___ code (CB user's slang)
- X can mean this
- It's A in hex
- Minyan minimum
- Pinochle card
- Power base?
- Big __
- Break time for many
- Perfection symbol
- Common news hour
- Number of Canadian provinces
- Word with speed or spot
- Two fins
- Bowling pin count
- Its ancient equivalent was used to create this puzzle's theme
- Word with hang or take
- Phil Rizzuto's uniform number
- Score for 44-Across
- Interstate through Houston
- Number on a Z, in a game
- "__ Little Indians"
- Stellar score
- Symbol of gymnastic perfection
- Commonly used numerical base
- Perfect score
- X, maybe
- Pin near a gutter
- __-speed
- Anger management number
- Reds manager Sparky Anderson's number
- Gymnast's perfection
- It can be a perfect number
- Coffee-break time
- Commandment complement
- Top of some rating scales
- Coffee-break time, often
- Five-sixths of a dozen
- Slightly less than a dozen
- Perfect score, sometimes
- Midmorning time
- Prime-time time
- Log-table base
- Commandments count
- Decimal-system base
- Midmorning hour
- Metric-system base
- Gymnast's top score
- Fifth-grader's typical age
- First-down yardage
- Years in a decade
- Countdown number
- Basketball courtful
- End of a ring count
- Knockout count
- Word with ''take'' or ''hang''
- "___ Little Indians"
- Playing card with the most pips
- ___-four (bit of CB slang)
- "Down for the count" number
- "... a ___ o'clock scholar"
- Face card's value, in blackjack
- Gymnast's reward
- X, on some dials
- One of a score's two
- Word to end a fight
- Big score on the floor
- ''___ Little Indians'' (Christie classic)
- Bo Derek, numerically
- Balance beam perfection
- Like many fifth graders
- Top of some ratings
- Perfection, to Retton
- Scale topper, often
- Value of Q in Scrabble
- Score for Nadia Comaneci
- Yellow "Monopoly" bill
- Word that ends many fights
- Two down from a queen
- Perfect, on the parallel bars
- "Lords a-leaping" number
- Gymnast's perfect score, once
- Comaneci feat
- Dudley Moore comedy
- X, as a number
- Wallet item, perhaps
- Commandments number
- Break time, maybe
- Sinai number
- Bill showing the Treasury Building
- Perfect score, perhaps
- Popular Downing Street address
- Word that has ended many fights
- Gymnastics feat
- Royal flush component
- Score X .5
- Hamilton's note
- Alexander Hamilton locale
- Start of a countdown, perhaps
- Sum of the first three prime numbers
- Pole footage?
- Perfect score, for some
- Word with pins or penny
- Word with Big or top
- Big ___ (NCAA conference that actually has eleven teams)
- Total hottie
- Highest non-face card
- Usual number of paces
- Countdown start, often
- Lowest card in a royal flush
- Lacrosse-team complement
- Decade count
- Minimum number of men in a minyan
- Top rating
- "___ Little Indians" (1965 thriller)
- Word after big or top
- Number of fugitives on a noted list
- Toe number
- Atomic number of neon
- Word with "hang" or "take"
- Number of provinces in Canada
- See 49-Down
- ___-gallon hat
- "Down for the count" count
- Decade
- "___ Little Indians" (Christie classic)
- Mid-morning hour
- Theme answer count, amount of letters in each, word hidden in each, and, when repeated twice, today's date
- Pin in the back
- "Taps" hour
- Base ___
- Number of hydrogen atoms in butane
- Boxing count conclusion
- Good companion for an ace in Vegas
- X rating in old Rome?
- It's taken to calm down
- Q's point value in Scrabble
- Half-score
- Brunch time, perhaps
- What X may mean
- It may be hung on a board
- What a king may be worth
- Commonest card value in blackjack
- See 53-Across
- A number of perfect people?
- Word with "take" or "hang"
- ___-speed
- What some take to relax?
- Olympic maximum
- Most wanted number
- Score half
- Easy multiplier
- Top score, or half a score
- X, sometimes
- FBI's most wanted list number
- King's equal in blackjack
- Start of a countdown, often
- Two-digit card
- Diamond, on the Mohs scale
- Early Pearl Jam album
- First card below the faces
- Low card in a high straight
- Face card value
- Number worn by Pelé, Diego Maradona, and Zinedine Zidane
- Two hours before noon
- Great score, or half of one
- Netherlands, our # ______ trader
- Small integer
- Large integer
- A decade
- Occupied
- Cardinal number
- Diamond, on the mohs scale
- Perfect score, at times
- Big ___ Conference
- A, in the hexadecimal number system
- Down-for-the-count count
- Commandment count
- Perfection, in some sports
- Boxing count
- Referee's last number
- Wallet bill, perhaps
- Agent's percentage
- "I wouldn't touch that with a ___-foot pole!"
- Lacrosse team complement
- Card below a jack
- Number of pins in a strike
- X on some faces
- Five pairs
- Coffee-break time, perhaps
- Perfection, for some
- Start of the end of a countdown
- Fourth of forty
- Pin count in an alley
- Two fives
- Coffee break hour
- Kayo count
- "Just the ___ of us"
- Number-system base
- High rating
- Highish card
- Number system base
- Good rating
- Rating max
- Common bill
- X on a sundial
- Toe tally
- Coffee-break hour, maybe
- With 16-Down, 'message received'
- Coffee-break hour
- 1992 Pearl Jam album
- 1991 album by 26-Down
- X rating
- Mid-morning
- Letterman list starter
- Pin number
- Pair of fives?
- High rating
- Sawbuck word
- Jack, in blackjack
- 26-Across plus one
- Six plus four
- Yellow Monopoly bill
- Two fivers
- Five doubled
- Bill in a till
- Top score, sometimes
- Bill with an osprey
- Number of years between U.S. censuses
- First double-digit number
- A fourth of 40
- Farthest-right bowling pin
- Number of dimensions required for superstrings
- Phil Rizzuto's number
- With 54-Down, kind of store
- Highest Apgar score
- X, in Roman numerals
- Number of sides in a 65-Across
- Bill depicting the U.S. Treasury
- Base based on our hands
- "I wouldn't touch it with a ___-foot pole!"
- Card complement in a standard Rorschach test
- Original Amendments count
- With 126-Across, multiple-gear bicycle
- Bill with a portrait of 42-Across
- "Perfect" number
- ___-speed racing bike
- Bart Simpson's perpetual age
- Canvas count
- Hemi-score?
- Largest number in a deck of cards
- With 44 Down, success for 39 Down
- Number of prime ministers on Downing Street?
- Blair's old house number
- ___ Years After (Woodstock band)
- Brunch time
- Bill of Rights amendment count
- Number of years between censuses
- Knockout number, in more ways than one
- Face card's value, often
- V : five :: X : ___
- Classic Pearl Jam album
- King's value, sometimes
- One-fourth of forty
- Hamilton portrait setting
- Downing Street addrerss
- Lowest honor card
- Perfect diving score
- A fifth of fifty
- Shoe size
- Number of lords a-leaping in a Christmas song
- Widely used base
- Bout-ending number
- ___-speed bike
- Commandment number
- Easy-to-multiply number
- Comaneci score
- Rorschach card complement
- A VHF channel
- Olympic diver's perfection
- Royal flush part
- Number that rhymes with 22-Down
- Neon's atomic number
- Count on one's fingers?
- Pearl Jam album with "Alive" and "Jeremy"
- Countdown kickoff
- Generations from Adam through Noah
- Coveted sports award
- Big or top follower
- Bowling number
- Hamilton bill
- Second-highest pinochle card
- Gymnastics ideal
- Super fly, after "a"
- Perfect rating in gymnastics
- + 6
- Take ___ (rest)
- First-down distance
- With 106 Down, frequent spare target
- Diving ideal
- Lowest royal-flush card
- Top point value of a Scrabble tile
- Sign of perfection
- Real hottie
- Downing St. number of note
- A half-score
- X to Brutus
- Commandments' count
- Number after Big or top
- Hamilton -- or half a Jackson
- 'Taps' hour
- Equivalent of a Roman X
- "___North Frederick"
- Number on David Cameron's door
- Start of many a countdown
- Olympic diver's ideal
- Baker's dozen minus three
- Treasury bill
- Fairly large shoe size
- In hexadecimal, it's A
- Important number on Downing Street
- Gallons in a hat?
- Lacrosse squad count
- Hut preceder
- X, to Caesar
- Number of years in a decade
- Twice five
- Score cut in half
- Decimal-system unit
- Base of many operations?
- Hamilton in a wad
- Number of Art Ross Trophies won by Wayne
- Scale maximum, often
- Late dinner time
- Ideal figure
- Strike count
- Olympic perfection, maybe
- Like many fifth-graders
- Olympic ideal
- Speeds on bikes?
- Five past five
- Commonly used base
- 'X' amount
- Integer
- Diamond, to Mohs
- Face value, in blackjack
- The U.S. Treasury is on its back
- KO count
- Roman numeral X
- With 99-Down, brunch time, often
- Number of bowling frames
- Bo Derek, in a 1979 film
- Royal-flush card
- "___ North Frederick"
- Flawless routine
- Back-row bowling pin
- Storm, on the Beaufort scale
- Part of prime time
- Crab leg count
- Count on your fingers?
- Common break hour
- Base of many operations
- Number to count up to
- Shoe length
- Bill passed regularly?
- Cato's X
- Notable Downing Street number
- Rightmost bowling pin
- Digital number?
- Top number?
- Pins to be bowled over
- With 19 Across, radio acknowledgment
- Number of mispelled words in this puzzle's clues (oh, by the way, watch out for those tricky circled squares!)
- Jack's value, sometimes
- Five-and-___ store
- "Cardinals call Xboxes ___ boxes"
- Decade number
- Number starting many a countdown
- Number of states that border the Mississippi
- What X may stand for
- Top gymnastics rating
- Top number in the Mohs scale
- Common face card value
- A bit less than a dozen
- Top rating, often
- David Cameron's house number
- High end of many a scale
- "Speed" of many bikes
- Yards for a first down
- Top of many rating scales
- Eli Manning, on the field
- "___ cents a dance"
- Pot ___
- Pin adjacent to a gutter
- Number worn by Tony La Russa as a tribute to Sparky Anderson
- Fifth of fifty
- Morning break hour
- On a scale of one to ___
- Something to take for a break
- Value of Q, in Scrabble
- Bill with Hamilton's visage
- See 18-Down
- Late dinnertime
- Five couples
- Bill depicting the Treasury Building
- "Five will get you ___ "
- Common scale extreme
- X, to Cato
- Bo Derek's score
- Card count in a Rorschach test
- Commandment total
- Full complement of bowling pins
- Card in a royal flush
- X, in old Rome
- "___ Things I Hate About You"
- Wallet bill, sometimes
- Highest point value for a Scrabble tile
- Gymnast's ideal
- A bill
- Billiard ball with a blue stripe
- Highest value in the Mohs scale
- Slow-pitch softball complement
- Much-used base
- It counts for nothing in baccarat
- Half a score, or a perfect one
- Bowling pin on the far right
- Common coffee break hour
- King's equivalent, in blackjack
- What some people take to relax?
- Base
- High card
- X amount
- ____commandments
- Blue-striped billiard ball
- <--
- Certain bill
- King's value, at times
- Bowling pin number
- Coffee break time, perhaps
- A prime-time time
- What X equals in Roman numerals
- Prime time hour
- What Lionel Messi wears
- Legs on a lobster
- Kind of strike
- Louganis score
- Perfect ___
- Blue-striped ball
- Decamerous group
- Perfect, in a way
- Common base system
- "Lords a-leaping" count
- O'hara's "___ North Frederick"
- Bill with Hamilton on it
- "Top" ranking
- "Puppy paws" dice roll
- "Dancing With the Stars" achievement
- Number of World Series rings for Yogi Berra as a player
- Q's point value, in Scrabble
- Bill not depicting a president
- Square root of 100
- What a 1-Down may count to
- Common math base
- Perfect score, or half of a score
- Number of sides on a decagon
- Top songs set
- An honor card in bridge
- Top gymnastic score
- J's value in Words With Friends
- Great diving score
- Base___
- Fraction of a dozen
- Awesome beauty mark?
- Time for a coffee break
- Yellow bill in classic Monopoly
- Derek vehicle
- Half a score ... or a perfect score
- 5/6 of a dozen
- Crab-leg complement
- Initial double digit
- 20 under 30
- Number with "top"
- Rating number
- News hour, for many
- Diver's goal
- Number worn by Lionel Messi
- Start of many CB radio codes
- "x" in 5x = x^2 ÷ 2
- TV news hour
- Noted number on Downing Street
- Something taken by the tired
- Base for money
- Bill of Rights count
- Perfect representation
- Largest three-letter number
- Attractive person, informally
- The "1" in 15, really
- Cube root of 1,000
- Z's point value in Scrabble
- Jack's value in blackjack
- Gymnast's perfection, once
- Base used often
- Just-add-a-zero multiplier
- Big 12 team count
- Highest Scrabble tile point value
- Notable Downing Street address
- Scale topper
- Olympic diver's goal
- Shaken thumb, in American Sign Language
- Full complement of limbs on a squid
- Number of amendments in the Bill of Rights
- Decalogue number
- Perfect number?
- Smallest two-digit number
- Target score for Simone Biles
- "Listen up fives, a ___ is speaking"
- Diamond, on the Mohs hardness scale
- What the tired might take
- J's point value in Words With Friends
- Point value of a "Z" in Scrabble
- Total number of I and Q tiles combined, in Scrabble
- Four lower than a 23 Across
- Extreme IMDb rating
- Number of "Things I Hate About You"
- What half the letters in "twenty" spell
- Card that a jack beats
- Number across from four, on a clock
- Perfect Pitchfork rating
- Q's value in Scrabble
- One and two and three and four
- Number of Taylor Swift's Grammys
- Perfect score ... or half of one
- Something to take or hang
- Left hand's traditional steering wheel position, or a hint to the starred answers' starts
- See 41-Across
- Point value for a "Z" in Scrabble
- What "X" may mean
- Number symbolized by X
- One followed by nothing?
- What half the letters of "twenty" spell
- Where to see Hamilton
- First and ___
- Number of sides a decagon has
- Number comprised of binary digits
- Highest Scrabble letter value
- Messi's uniform number
- Perfect execution score, in gymnastics
- Number of Emily Dickinson poems, out of the 1,700 she wrote, that were published during her lifetime
- Number of "Friends" seasons
- Number of events in a decathlon
- October's number
- Perfect score at a drag ball
- Decathlon number
- Number of NBA championships won by Sam Jones
- Number of rings for Shang-Chi
- Number of a certain rear bowling pin
- "Count to ___" (calming advice)
- What "X" might mean
- Number with more digits than syllables
- First two-digit number
- Number of All-Star selections for Tamika Catchings
- British pound note featuring Jane Austen
- Number of legs on a crab
- Number of pins knocked down in a strike
- Start of a count
- Uniform number for Sue Bird
- Point value of "five" in Scrabble
- Number of millimeters in a centimeter
- Face value?
- Number of Olympic medals won by Katie Ledecky
- Number of bowling pins in a rack
- What you get when you put your hands together?
- Perfect score in diving
- This clue's number
- Top score on some reviews
- Sundial X
- Number of rings possessed by Shang-Chi
- Value of the Roman numeral X
- Number written as a simple cross in Chinese
- Number worn by Sue Bird
- Value of a Q tile, in Scrabble
- A third of 30
- Age of the birthday kid being asked "What's it feel like being double digits?"
- "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the ___ Rings"
- Helpful blackjack card, maybe
- One plus two plus three plus four
- Jersey number worn by Pele
- What "X" might stand for
- 13x platinum Pearl Jam album that actually has 11 tracks
- Number that's "diez" in Spanish
- ___-spot
- X, on a Rolex
- Hamilton
- 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
- Messi's jersey number
- 5 + 5
- USWNT uniform number for Lindsey Horan
- Start of some countdowns
- Number of Grammy Awards won by Dolly Parton
- Sue Bird's jersey number
- Value of a face card in blackjack
- Number of digits in a billion
- What's rolled to get from Free Parking to Go to Jail, in Monopoly
- Number for John Tyler (or Alexander Hamilton)
- Alexander Hamilton's bill
- Point value of "five" or "six" in Scrabble
- Number of digits on a keypad
- Big ___ Conference (group of 14 teams)
- –
- Number of decades in a century
- 2-Down, in a date
- See 29-Across
- Diver's top score
- Top score in a dunk contest
- Largest of the three-letter numbers
- "Powers of ___" (landmark documentary about the scale of the universe)
- Full complement of players, in men's lacrosse
- Dieci, in English
- One squared plus three squared
- Start of many countdowns
- Half a score, or a perfect score
- Marble count for each side in Chinese checkers
- Pink-colored euro banknote
- First number in most countdowns
- "One, two, ___": hide-and-seek cheater's count
- “___ in the Bed”: classic counting rhyme
Last Seen In:
- New York Times - March 04, 2025
- LA Times - February 13, 2025
- LA Times - February 09, 2025
- LA Times - February 08, 2025
- LA Times - February 05, 2025
- New York Times - January 24, 2025
- LA Times - January 07, 2025
- USA Today - December 09, 2024
- New York Times - November 07, 2024
- New York Times - October 31, 2024
- LA Times - October 21, 2024
- LA Times - October 14, 2024
- USA Today - October 08, 2024
- USA Today - October 03, 2024
- LA Times - September 28, 2024
- New York Times - September 19, 2024
- USA Today - September 18, 2024
- USA Today - September 11, 2024
- LA Times - September 09, 2024
- New York Times - July 26, 2024
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