Answer: SEA
SEA is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 1010 times.
Referring Clues:
- Start for bees or breeze
- Caribbean, e.g.
- Richard Henry Dana subject
- Aegean, e.g.
- Start for cow, horse, lion, dog or wolf
- ___ green
- Poseidon's realm
- Ocean
- Coral ___
- Adriatic, e.g.
- One of seven
- Red ___
- Neptune's domain
- Overwhelming number
- The Bering, e.g.
- Swell place?
- Melville setting
- Large amount
- Where the buoys are
- Davy Jones's domain
- The briny
- Expanse
- The Baltic, e.g.
- The deep
- Pirate's home, with "the"
- Many a Melville setting, with "the"
- Word with snake or quake
- Galilee, e.g.
- Part of a Hemingway title
- It may be Red, White...and blue
- Word before dog or legs
- "America, the Beautiful" closer
- Huge amount
- 38-Across's milieu
- Wave carrier
- ___ of Japan
- Proteus's domain, with "the"
- Irish ___
- One of a world septet
- It has a wet floor
- Land's end
- Subway wish
- "The Perfect Storm" setting, with "the"
- Mermaid's home
- Where swelling occurs
- Tasman ___
- Vacation locale, with "the"
- Place for a FISH (which is a hint to this puzzle's theme)
- Marine
- Pants part
- ___ legs
- See 95-Down
- Last word of "America, the Beautiful"
- North ___
- With 23-Down, treasure hunters
- Captain's domain
- Salt shaker?
- View from a lighthouse
- Huge expanse
- Urchin's home
- Poseidon's domain
- With 23-Across, Neptune, e.g.
- Baltic or Bering
- See 67-Down
- Main
- Vast amount
- Where skates glide
- Great expanse
- Bounding main
- 44-Across's milieu
- See 56-Across
- Horse or dog lead-in
- Lunar plain
- Neptune's realm
- Puffer's place
- It makes waves
- Mermaid setting
- The Caribbean, e.g.
- Yellow ___
- Triton's realm
- Pirate's domain
- Place for fish and ships
- Realm of Proteus, in Greek myth
- Blue expanse
- Chicken of the __ (tuna brand)
- Hydrospace
- Davy Jones's locker, with "the"
- Mediterranean, for one
- Where to cast a net, perhaps
- Inland ___
- Pirate's realm
- Last word of "America the Beautiful"
- Mermaid's realm
- Sailor's realm
- Briny
- Where chanteys are sung
- The Aegean, e.g.
- Caspian, for one
- Red or Dead follower
- The drink
- Vast expanse
- Ross or Sargasso
- See 45-Down
- Mermaid's milieu
- Barents or Bering
- Kind of dog, horse, or lion
- Cruising locale
- Whale's whereabouts
- Large plain on the moon
- Word with quake or snake
- Sailing setting
- "America the Beautiful" ender
- What "My Bonnie" lies over, in a song
- Body of salt water
- White or Yellow
- Locale for a chantey
- Bering or Barents
- Place for high rollers?
- Sargasso ___
- Davy Jones' domain
- See 6-Down
- Marlin's milieu
- Kind of cow, dog, horse, or lion
- Red or Dead
- Aral or Caspian
- Huge quantity
- Lunar mare
- Salton ___
- Large body of water
- Black or White
- "...two if by ___"
- Word preceding cow and horse
- Type of voyage
- Fleet site
- Sargasso or Salton
- Red or Yellow
- Azov or Caspian
- Swell site?
- Where the buoys and gulls are
- Intro to bed or board
- Site for a chantey
- Tranquility, on the moon, e.g.
- Poseidon's province
- It's all wet
- Place for Hemingway's old man
- Black or Yellow
- Arabian or Irish
- The Black or the Red
- There's one hidden in 20-, 34-, and 49-Across
- "Finding Nemo" setting
- Level or lion lead-in
- Irish or Baltic, e.g.
- ___ breeze (vodka cocktail with cranberry and grapefruit juice)
- Kind of cow, dog, or horse
- Word with horse or power
- Red, Yellow, or Black
- The Caspian or the Caribbean
- "Under the ___" ("The Little Mermaid" tune)
- Place for buoys and gulls
- Copious quantity
- Word in the center of all three long entries
- ___ power (naval strength)
- Baltic or Irish
- Kind of horse or monkey
- Fishy place
- ___ of Tranquility
- Yellow, for one
- Swell place
- Plaice's place
- With 22-Across, furry swimmer of the northern Pacific coast
- See 68-Across
- Overwhelming quantity
- "Under the ___" (song from "The Little Mermaid")
- "The Old Man and the ___"
- Aegean, for one
- Watery expanse
- Aral, for one
- Briny expanse
- See 59-Down
- See 34-Down
- The Caribbean, for one
- Adriatic or Aegean
- Leviathan's home
- It has a very large bed
- With 25-Across, a marine mollusk
- "The ___ Inside" (Best Foreign Film of 2004)
- With 29-Down, a five-pointed creature
- Word with devil and dog
- Java, e.g.
- World leader?
- Word with green or grape
- Brine wave?
- Home for a merman
- "___ Fever" (John Masefield poem)
- "... two if by ___"
- Word with monkey or serpent
- Black or White, e.g.
- Word with dog or biscuit
- Winslow Homer subject
- With 56-Down, congers, e.g.
- It's fishy
- Abundance
- Word with legs, chest, or palm
- Host
- Dead ___ Scrolls
- Baltic, for example
- Vast quantity
- Word with dog and legs
- Chilean ___ bass (Patagonian toothfish)
- Raft
- Merman's milieu
- ___ breeze (vodka cocktail)
- Red or Yellow, e.g.
- Poseidon's place
- Red or Coral, e.g.
- Plethora
- Mediterranean or Baltic, e.g.
- Marlins' home
- ___ of Tranquillity (where the Eagle landed)
- It's very fishy
- "... against a ___ of troubles": Hamlet
- "Beyond the ___" (Bobby Darin hit)
- The Caribbean, for example
- Members of the family Hydrophidae
- Beaufort ___, area above Alaska
- Wash. hub for Alaska Airlines
- Wet expanse
- Sargasso, for one
- Ligurian, for one
- Red thing that's really blue?
- Word with horse, lion or dog
- Sailor's environs
- Red or Coral
- Halibut habitat
- Black or Red
- Liner's milieu
- Word with cow or dog
- One of a watery seven
- Caspian or Caribbean
- Red or Black
- Multitude
- Black or Irish
- "Beyond the __": Darin hit
- Cousteau's domain
- Wave site
- Aegean or Bering
- "... take arms against a __ of troubles": Hamlet
- Inspiration for Melville
- "__ Cruise": 1959 hit
- Manatee's home
- Shoreline view
- Ross or Bering
- See 79 Across
- Ross or Red
- Vast body
- Bering or Okhotsk
- Shark habitat
- Large volume
- Continent divider
- Caribbean, for one
- Scallop's habitat
- Sailor's milieu
- Yacht spot
- It comes before going
- Large wave
- Caspian, e.g.
- Large quantity
- Salty body of water
- Baltic, for one
- See 2 Down
- Salty expanse
- Salty body
- At __ (confused)
- Kind of chest or dog
- Hornblower's milieu
- Coral, for one
- Water source
- "Titanic" setting
- Hemingway title word
- "America the Beautiful" closer
- Hemingway novel setting
- "Under the ___" ("The Little Mermaid" song)
- Breeze source
- Word with ''level'' or ''lion''
- Where to find good schools?
- It'll float your boat
- ''America the Beautiful'' closer
- ''The Old Man and the ___''
- Irish or Baltic
- South China, e.g.
- Its floor is wet
- View from the deck, perhaps
- Word with ''bed'' or ''board''
- What ''My Bonnie lies over,'' in a song
- Red or Black waterway
- Davy Jones' locker
- Black, for one
- ___ of Tranquillity
- Dead expanse
- Land's end, perhaps
- Word with ''legs'' or ''air''
- Last word of ''America the Beautiful''
- Kind of lion or horse
- Waves' home
- ___ legs (nautical steadiness)
- "Moby Dick" milieu
- The Honeydrippers' "___ of Love"
- It's certainly fishy
- Tranquility, on the moon
- ___ of Galilee
- It can be very fishy
- Shining place of song
- What my Bonnie lies over, in song
- Waves home?
- Tranquility on the moon?
- Home to many schools
- Ross, e.g.
- Melville's inspiration
- Where gull meets buoy?
- Where there are many schools
- Caribbean or Red, e.g.
- Kind of cow or lion
- One of a sailor's seven
- Big expanse
- Chantey subject
- Vast area
- Certain body of water
- School setting?
- Place for some large schools
- Kind of lettuce or cucumber
- Kind of horse or cow
- One of the seven
- Dead body?
- Adriatic, for one
- Sargasso, e.g.
- Setting for many schools
- Word in "America, the Beautiful"
- Sinbad's milieu
- "Two if by ___"
- It may swell or have swells
- Azov is one
- Conclusion of "America the Beautiful"
- Type of horse
- One of seven in the world
- Word with horse or bass
- Breeze source, perhaps
- It might be Black or Red
- Shade of green
- Type of shells she sells
- Mediterranean, e.g.
- Lighthouse view
- Where sailors sail
- Bali or Java
- With 40-Across, meal for a wolf eel
- The Caspian or the Caribbean, e.g.
- Something with many arms
- Cruise milieu
- Source of rays
- Irish __
- Place for a yacht race
- North or Baltic ___
- Hemingway's "The Old Man and the ___"
- Ship locale
- Serpent's home?
- Where the floor is always wet
- "Shining" body of song
- Landlubber's bane
- Offshore sight
- Big quantity
- Word repeated in the lyric "From ___ to shining ___"
- Coral or Cortez
- With 60-Down, big Chilean export
- Home to many schools?
- Something fishy
- Deep blue
- One of a salty seven
- Word in a Hemingway title
- Salt source
- ___ of Cortes
- See 48-Down
- Yellow, Red, or Black
- The Dead, e.g.
- "Deep Blue ___" (1999)
- ___ salt
- Yellow __
- Sargasso or Coral
- Persian Gulf, for one
- Shipping lane milieu
- Cruise locale
- Red or dead, for example
- Word with "level" or "lion"
- Word with "bed" or "board"
- What "My Bonnie lies over," in a song
- "Beyond the ___": Darin hit
- "... take arms against a ___ of troubles": Hamlet
- "___ Cruise": 1959 hit
- The Tyrrhenian, e.g.
- Nereids' home
- Marine headquarters?
- Wide body
- Sargasso or Yellow
- Coral or Caspian
- Swell site
- Horse preceder
- With 97 Down, an Al Pacino thriller
- At ___ (confused)
- Kind of dog or horse
- Neptune's dominion
- Red or Yellow, Black or White
- School setting
- Proteus's domain
- Sight for shore eyes
- Big, wet body
- The Mediterranean, e.g.
- Melville novel setting
- Place for a voyage
- "Master and Commander" setting
- Captain's place
- Urchin's place
- Domain of Proteus
- Bering or China
- Sargasso or Aral
- ___ Horse; or ___ change
- Marmora, for one
- ____Horse
- Red ____
- Red, for one
- Parting subject for Moses
- Cruise setting
- Word with bees or breeze
- Caribbean or Black
- Red, Yellow or Black
- Most of the earth
- Poseidon's purview
- Diver's milieu
- A kind of change
- Red, Black, or Yellow
- Serpent's home
- It may be Black or Red
- Shark's milieu
- Marmora for one
- Aegean or Mediterranean
- Ross ___
- Word with level or devil
- Word after Red or Black
- Surfing turf
- China ____
- Red or Dead body of water
- Noted septet member
- Anemone's abode
- Yellow or Black trailer
- Caspian is one
- Slew
- Deep water
- Caribbean or Caspian
- Mariner's venue
- The Red or the Black
- Mariner's milieu
- Marlin's home
- Porpoise place
- Shark's home
- Sailing site
- Porpoise's place
- Reef setting
- Isle surrounder
- Squid's home
- Galleon setting
- Poseidon's home
- Dolphin's home
- Green shade
- Mariner's place
- Mariners' milieu
- ... in this
- Mediterranean or Baltic
- Pirate's bailiwick
- Body of water ...
- Caribbean or Coral
- Columbus' venue
- See 60-Across
- Humpback's home
- Urchin's place?
- Poseidon's milieu
- Venue for 29-Down
- Sailors' setting
- Shark's venue
- Petrel's territory
- 33-Down's domain
- Poseidon's bailiwick
- Baltic ___
- 49 Across' venue
- Fish's home
- Dolphin home
- With 63-Across, what a sailor breathes in
- Island locale
- Pirate realm
- Viking realm
- See 93-Across
- Shark setting
- Ray's home
- Caspian ___
- Aegean ___
- Briny waters
- Ionian or Aegean
- Briny body
- Cruising site
- Aegean or Baltic
- Mermaid's place
- Sailor's setting
- Baltic, e.g.
- Whale's place
- Briny deep
- Pirate's place
- Ionian, e.g.
- Something fishy?
- Viking milieu
- Caribbean or Mediterranean
- Crossing site
- Boardwalk view
- "Deep blue" region
- Place with a wet floor
- Word in a classic Hemingway title
- See 29-Across
- It's on the level?
- Red expanse in the Bible
- Potential source of 51-Across
- One of seven salty ones
- Chicken of the ___ (tuna brand)
- Rachel Carson subject
- China or Caspian follower
- Humongous quantity
- Cruise site
- Red or Black follower
- "From ___ to shining ..."
- Start for horse, lion, or wolf
- Body governed by UN law
- Haddock's home
- Briny body of water
- The Mediterranean, for one
- Large expanse
- See 25-Across
- Adriatic ___
- Dog or shell preceder
- Fisherman's lure?
- Privateer's domain
- It may have many arms
- Dolphin habitat
- Tyrrhenian or Thracian
- "___ Cruise" (1959 hit)
- Body of water
- Jetsam locale
- With 43-Down, marine conger
- Ross, for one
- Something with many wet arms?
- Ross or Davis
- Caspian or Sargasso
- Huge water source
- Ross or Bering, e.g.
- With 46 Down, health-food supply
- "Moby-Dick" milieu
- ___ urchin
- Ionian ___
- Mermaid site
- Ross or Red, e.g.
- Sailor's domain
- "Wide Sargasso ___": Jean Rhys novel
- Deep body, often
- Landlubber's least-liked locale
- See 107-Down
- Bering or Ross, e.g.
- Yellow trailer?
- Vast expense
- Movie "Wild Sargasso ____"
- Word before horse or lion
- Bering or Barents, e.g.
- Black or Labrador
- See 85-Across
- Word with level or lion
- With 45-Across, conger, e.g.
- "Blue" water
- Ross or Bering, for example
- Aegean, for instance
- View from the shore
- Yellow or Red follower
- Word with cow, dog, horse, lion, or wolf
- Its arms are not solid
- Home to millions
- Sailor's mlieu
- Pirate's body?
- Strand
- "___ of Love": 1989 film
- One of two possibilities to Paul Revere
- Kind of cow, horse, dog or man
- Black or Baltic
- Neptune's home
- Caribbean ___
- Blue area on a globe
- What "My Bonnie" lies over
- Bering, for one
- Ichthyocentaur's domain
- Kink of a horse
- Word with horse or lion
- Surfing site
- With 42-Down, spots for sailors' gear
- View from a boardwalk
- SpongeBob's surroundings
- Wave maker
- Armada arena
- Adriatic or Aegean, e.g.
- Siren's place
- Jetsam setting
- Overwhelming amount
- Body on a map
- SpongeBob's home
- See 26-Down
- Viking's place
- Home to some fish
- Great body of water
- Ray's realm
- Word before horse or cow
- Word after Dead or Red
- Big blue body
- Setting for schools?
- "Life of Pi" setting
- With 31-Across, natural flavor enhancer
- Broad expanse
- Shore sight
- Level area?
- Word with "level" or "legs"
- Arel or Tasman
- "___ of Love"
- Current setting
- Red, White or Black
- Body in a bed
- Triton's domain, in myth
- Tar's place
- Ocean's smaller cousin
- -
- Old man's place, in Hemingway
- Mermaid's habitat
- Sponge type
- "the amazing live ___ monkeys"
- Where five "hidden at 3" words can be found
- Where to find many good schools?
- Octopus's home
- Bering ___
- Adriatic, among others
- Word before chest or change
- Mediterranean ___
- Bering or Salton
- "Captain Phillips" setting
- Where you might catch some rays
- 50-Across milieu
- Black ___
- "Voyage to the Bottom of the ___"
- Mariner's view
- Large lake
- Desalinization source
- Saltwater body
- Source of some salt
- Source of shells
- With 13-Down, water dweller that looks like a plant but is actually an animal
- Where to find a horse with no legs?
- Beach abutter
- Limitless quantity
- Domain of some international law
- Locale for Wynken, Blynken and Nod
- Baltic or Aegean
- Orca's home
- Bering or Adriatic
- ___ level
- Ocean's kin
- Word before change or chest
- See 55-Down
- Pirate's home (with "the")
- Angler's lure?
- Site of many schools
- See 21-Down
- ___-Tac airport
- Manatee's habitat
- With 74-Across, coastal flier
- Antarctica's Amundsen ___
- Europe-Africa separator
- Triton's domain
- Shark's place
- A kind of sponge
- Pirate's home
- See 63-Down
- Word before level or lion
- Where buoy meets gull
- Caribbean, for instance
- Washington's ___-Tac Airport
- Arabian ___
- Word before lion or level
- Swell locale?
- Barents, for one
- Cow or horse's home?
- Place for yachting
- Q.E. 2 setting
- Sargasso or Tasmanian
- It has arms and waves
- Salty waters
- ___ of Marmara
- Word in three "Yellow Submarine" instrumental titles
- Place of many large schools
- See 19-Across
- ___ of Cortez
- Another body of water
- "Dames at ___"
- "America, the Beautiful" shiner
- Word after Caspian or Adriatic
- Whale's habitat
- Word with dog, horse or lion
- There's something fishy about it
- Lunar region
- Nemo's realm
- See 61-Down
- "___ Hunt"
- Dead follower
- Sargasso or Adriatic
- Setting for much of "Lord Jim"
- Setting for most of "Titanic"
- "The Little Mermaid" milieu
- Clam habitat
- Walrus home
- Marmora or Caspian
- Continental divide of a sort
- Place to sail
- "America the Beautiful" waterway
- Thing miraculously parted
- Waves home
- "Finding Nemo" environment
- Naval burial site, maybe
- Large briny body
- "Finding Dory" setting
- Porpoise home
- Captain's domain, sometimes
- Pirate's milieu
- Word before green or after deep blue
- Domain of 37 Across
- Place to take a dip
- Big body of water
- Beach house view
- Ship's setting
- Caribbean or Aegean
- Baltic, Aegean or Bering
- Blue map area
- Shining expanse of song
- One place to be buried "at"
- Scuba diving venue
- The big briny
- Many a river's destination
- Setting for much of "Moana"
- Word following red or black
- Word with water or wall
- Home to Disney's Ariel
- Word after Sargasso or Aral
- Galleon's milieu
- Yellow, Red or Black
- Mermaid's "pool"
- Indian or Sargasso
- Word before lion or cow
- America's Cup race locale
- Brine source
- Briny thing
- "Deep Blue ___" (shark movie)
- Lead-in to dog or horse
- Upon which to set sail
- Word following Sargasso and Caspian
- Place to sink or swim
- Andaman, for one
- Marmara, e.g.
- Okhotsk or Andaman
- ___-green
- Frequent subject of paintings by Winslow Homer
- Thalassic expanse
- Setting for some schools
- Locale for a bathysphere
- "He who holds the ___ must be master of the empire": Cicero
- Sells-shells tongue-twister link
- "Many fresh streams meet in one salt ___": Shakespeare
- Yacht's domain
- Norwegian or Irish
- Vast fishing spot
- Old Man's place
- Buccaneer's domain
- "The vasty deep," in Shakespeare
- It's sailable
- "The ___ is calm tonight": "Dover Beach" opening
- Certain salt source
- Source for shrimp
- Habitat of many schools
- Windjammer's setting
- It's all briny
- Rhyme for "thee" in "America the Beautiful"
- Hemingway title place
- Home to a 34-Across
- Sargasso or Bering
- One expanse
- "Water, water, everywhere," per Coleridge
- "... and two if by ___"
- Celebes, e.g.
- "The Little Mermaid" setting
- Caspian or Baltic
- The Red or the Med
- Maritime milieu
- Aegean or Ross
- See 61 Across
- Element for Hemingway's old man
- Current location?
- River's terminus, perhaps
- Body for buoys
- Maritime law focus
- Nemo's milieu
- Beachside view
- Starter for worthy or water
- "SpongeBob SquarePants" setting
- "Moby-Dick" setting
- Word before cow, dog or lion
- Ahab's milieu
- "Aquaman" setting
- Health-food store salt source
- Mideast's Dead ___
- Setting for much of the "Odyssey"
- It might float your boat
- Lead-in to cow, horse or dog
- Black, Red or Yellow
- "Red" or "Black" follower
- Black or Red waters
- Sizable body of water
- Aquaman's home
- Sub mission site
- See 88-Across
- Word with cow, dog or horse
- Home of the kraken
- Caspian or Aegean
- Oceanographer's study
- Horse head?
- The Caribbean, for instance
- Word before "change" or "cucumber"
- Plenitude
- Word before "lion" or "urchin"
- Mediterranean or Adriatic
- Title setting for a Hemingway novel, with "the"
- Red or Black expanse
- "Mighty swell" Keats poem subject
- It's big and blue
- Word with lion or horse
- Red, Yellow, Black or White, e.g.
- Word before lion, level or legs
- "Shining" place in "America the Beautiful"
- Aquatic expanse
- Word before "snake" or "cow"
- Place for merfolk
- Kraken's habitat
- Black, Red or Coral
- Current location
- Title locale for a Hemingway novel, with "the"
- "America the Beautiful" expanse
- Home to Nemo and Dory
- See 14-Across
- With 47-Across, marine animal of the class Asteroidea
- Word before "star" or "level"
- Word before god or devil
- Black ___ bass
- ___ lion
- Irish or Arabian
- "Wide Sargasso ___" (Jean Rhys novel)
- Bering or Black
- Last word of the most recent version of "America the Beautiful"
- Black or Caspian
- ___ of Tranquility: lunar plain
- Body that sounds like a letter
- It has a watery bed
- Word before "lion" or "otter"
- Triton's domain, in Greek myth
- Naval setting
- Red or Ross
- Sargasso or Caribbean
- Caribbean, for example
- Dolphin's environment
- White or Black
- Where many fish live
- "Mar" in English
- "Hands Across the ___" (John Philip Sousa march)
- Aegean or Caribbean
- Place studied by Sylvia Earle
- Lightkeeper's view
- Source of gourmet salt
- Body with arms, usually
- Jellyfish habitat
- Wine-dark ___, metaphor in Homer's "Odyssey"
- Setting for most of "Life of Pi"
- Vampire squid's habitat
- Location of many schools?
- ___ shanty
- Word before "horse" or "lion"
- Ending of titles by Jean Rhys and Ernest Hemingway
- The moon's ___ of Tranquility
- In which you might do a deep dive
- South China ___
- Place for squids
- "The ___ is as near as we come to another world" (Anne Stevenson)
- The Caribbean or Mediterranean
- Sailor's surroundings
- "Dames at ___" (Broadway musical)
- Word before "star" or "power"
- It's smaller than an ocean
- Follower of Red or Dead
- Head for a cow, horse or lion?
- Dolphin's place
- With 55-Down, oceanographer's aid
- What floats your boat?
- Porpoise's habitat
- Lead-in to cow or lion
- Starfish's home
- Nautilus's locale
- Habitat for arame and nori
- Raft, or where you might see one
- Place for blobfish
- Place for an open water race
- Pirates' domain
- Cruiser's milieu
- It's almost always fishy
- Octopus habitat
- Word with bass or bed
- With 48-Across, underwater creature that's certainly not a 48-Across
- Whale's home
- Java ___
- Mer, here
- Place to boogie board
- ___ turtle
- Nudibranch's habitat
- Body with a floor
- Merfolk's home
- Orca's place
- Jacques Cousteau's milieu
- Zooplankton's place
- Squid's place
- Where to sing a shanty
- Place for 23-Down
- See 24-Down
- Deep-___ diving
- Kraken's home
- "Bendito ___ Dios"
- Zooplankton's habitat
- Mazu's realm
- With 42-Across, Wash. hub
- Domain of Thetis, in Greek myth
- Place for Aquaman and SpongeBob
- Eel's place
- ___ change (profound transformation)
- Place for some non-equine "horses"
- Bakunawa's habitat
- Halibut's habitat
- "My bounty is as boundless as the ___": Juliet
- Coral's habitat
- Source of salt
- What "Moana" means in Hawaiian
- The moon's ___ of Tranquillity
- PNW airport code
- Porthole view
- 60-Across' home
- Blue area on a map
- Domain of the Norse god Njord
- Mariner's location
- The Kraken, on scoreboards
- Last word in "America the Beautiful"
- Black or red thing in an atlas
- Malaysia's region (Abbr.)
- Anglerfish's habitat
- Word with level or legs
- Milieu for snorkeling
- Habitat for anglerfish
- Word before salt or snail
- Large body of salt water
- Labrador, for one
- The Adriatic or Mediterranean
- With 45-Across, Northwest airport, in brief
- ___ cucumber
- The Mediterranean, for example
- Domain of the god Triton
- Word with power or change
- Sailing place
- Cuttlefish's habitat
- Word after Red or before robin
- Domain of SpongeBob SquarePants
- Whatever floats your boat!
- Giant squid's habitat
- Aegean or Adriatic, e.g.
- Word before "salt" or "serpent"
- Giant kelp's habitat
- "See the line where the sky meets the ___? It calls me"
- Brighton attraction
- Dugong's habitat
- Siren's setting
- "Under the ___" (Oscar-winning song from "The Little Mermaid")
- Sub domain
- Site of many wrecks
- Word before "lion" or "serpent"
- Haddock's habitat
- Windswept expanse
- Yellowfin tuna's home
- Dog or wolf preceder
- Geographical feature sometimes named for a color
- The N.H.L.'s Kraken, on scoreboards
- Sargasso or Caspian
- Something blue that follows Black or Red
- Beach body?
- Salty drink
- One if by land, two if by ___
Last Seen In:
- USA Today - March 03, 2025
- New York Times - February 22, 2025
- New York Times - February 15, 2025
- New York Times - February 14, 2025
- LA Times - February 11, 2025
- New York Times - February 09, 2025
- USA Today - January 28, 2025
- LA Times - January 03, 2025
- New York Times - December 11, 2024
- New York Times - November 29, 2024
- LA Times - November 28, 2024
- USA Today - November 18, 2024
- LA Times - November 14, 2024
- New York Times - November 13, 2024
- LA Times - November 11, 2024
- USA Today - November 06, 2024
- LA Times - November 04, 2024
- USA Today - October 30, 2024
- USA Today - October 09, 2024
- USA Today - October 08, 2024
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