Answer: POEM
POEM is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 240 times.
Referring Clues:
- Lay, e.g.
- Limerick, e.g.
- Sonnet, e.g.
- Fancy foot work?
- It may scan
- Field work
- Greeting card feature, often
- Collection of staves
- Robert Frost writing
- "Jabberwocky," for one
- "A ___ should not mean / But be": MacLeish
- Burns writing
- Ode or haiku
- Lay
- Elegy, e.g.
- "A Dream Within a Dream," e.g.
- Robert Frost piece
- Pound piece
- Work with feet
- Feature of many a sympathy card
- Pope's work
- Hallmark card text, often
- Stressful work?
- Frost lines
- Prior work
- "Odyssey," for one
- Gray lines
- Rhapsody, e.g.
- Browning meat and potatoes?
- Countee Cullen output
- Rhymer's writing
- Meter reader's reading, maybe
- Ode
- Wordsworth work
- Words by Wordsworth
- Work by 34-Down
- Rhyming composition
- Haiku, for one
- Pound work
- Whitman sampler?
- Ode, for one
- Limerick, for one
- Maya Angelou work
- Rhythmic writing
- Piece for a meter reader?
- Wordsworth words
- 49-Down, for one
- It's less lovely than a tree, to Kilmer
- Valentine's Day gift, perhaps
- Roundelay, e.g.
- Frost lines?
- Keats work
- Housman work
- Pound product
- Masters piece
- Ditty, e.g.
- Verse
- Ninth word of "Trees"
- Prothalamion, e.g.
- Sonnet, for example
- Browning bread and butter?
- Limerick, for example
- Frost product
- ''Little Jack Horner'' is one
- Rhyme
- Rhymed verse
- Service selection
- Limerick or ode
- Shelley selection
- Dickinson creation
- Ninth word of ''Trees''
- 58 Down, for one
- Longfellow creation
- Robert Frost work
- Sonnet or haiku, e.g.
- Item for a meter reader?
- Romantic recitation
- Its structure may include feet
- ''A Dream Within a Dream,'' e.g.
- It has been compared to a tree
- Kilmer creation
- "The Highwayman," for one
- "To Autumn," for one
- Tennyson creation
- It may consist of couplets
- Whitman output
- 59-Across, for one
- It may be measured by a meter
- Greeting-card feature, often
- Pope creation
- Limerick or sonnet
- It has feet in a line
- Piece with a rhyme scheme
- Frost creation
- Donne deed
- Pound output
- Housman piece
- Doone deed
- Dickinson opus
- "Little Jack Horner" is one
- Metric work
- It may be measured in feet and meters
- Ode or sonnet
- Scanning work, often
- "Funeral Blues," for one
- "A ___ is never finished, only abandoned": Paul Valéry
- Words from Wordsworth
- 2009 inauguration recitation
- Frost's "Fire and Ice," for one
- It's never finished, only abandoned, per Paul Valéry
- "The Raven" or "Evangeline"
- Epode
- Riddle, sometimes
- Browning work
- "The Waste Land," e.g.
- It's not as lovely as a tree
- Rhyming work
- Versifier's output
- Ode or ballade
- Frost work
- Bard's creation
- Haiku or limerick
- Haiku, e.g.
- 'Trees,' e.g.
- Ode, e.g.
- Rhyming literature
- Limerick, but not Dublin
- Masters work
- In it, feet are divisions of a meter
- Something to scan
- Frost bit?
- Work by 2-Down
- Hardy work
- Part of some greeting cards
- Poe creation
- Gray piece
- Composition in verse
- Romantic recital
- Pope piece
- Walt Whitman work
- Haiku or ballad
- "Auld Lang Syne," e.g.
- Literary composition
- "Casey at the Bat," for one
- Sonnet or ode
- Slam offering
- Limerick or haiku
- "The Raven", e.g.
- 9-Across, e.g.
- "The Road Not Taken" or "Paul Revere's Ride"
- Whitman work
- Greeting-card contents, often
- Cummings attraction?
- Mary Oliver output
- Shamen's quest
- Work with feet?
- Browning thing
- 46-Down, for one
- Sonnet, for one
- Sonnet or haiku
- Offering in The New Yorker
- Pound or Whitman product
- Work with a writer of its ilk contained in it
- Emily Dickinson work
- Verse creation
- Rhyming piece of work
- Rhymer's creation
- "A ___ should not mean / But be": Archibald MacLeish
- Doggerel
- Laureate's creation
- Subject of a meter reading
- Pope output
- It has many feet
- 35-Across, e.g.
- Coleridge creation
- Literary verse
- Creative writing assignment
- Work by Maya Angelou
- Sonnet or limerick
- It "should not mean / But be," per Archibald MacLeish
- Ode or limerick
- Wilbur product
- Lyric, essentially
- Coffeehouse recitation
- "The Star-Spangled Banner," basically
- Recitation at some slams
- Greeting card feature
- "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," at first
- Metered work, usually
- Work often recited
- Greeting card words, often
- Mother Goose offering
- Work by Wordsworth or Whitman
- "Trees," for one
- Joy Harjo or Emily Dickinson piece
- Common greeting card content
- Greeting card text, often
- Rupi Kaur creation
- "Jabberwocky" is one
- Sonia Sanchez creation
- Many a hymn, essentially
- Emma Lazarus' "The New Colossus," for one
- One adorns the Statue of Liberty
- Song lyric, sort of
- "America is a ___ in our eyes": Emerson
- It may be measured in feet
- Victoria Chang creation
- Amanda Gorman's "The Hill We Climb," for one
- Common greeting card inclusion
- It's measured in both feet and meters
- Muhammad Ali's "Me! Whee!," e.g.
- Adrienne Rich work, e.g.
- A short one by Ogden Nash reads "Parsley / is gharsley"
- Cathy Park Hong creation
- Megan Falley creation
- It's measured in feet, not inches
- Dickinson work
- It may be measured in both feet and meters
- Haiku or tanka
- Amanda Gorman creation
- "___ in Praise of Menstruation" (Clifton work)
- 66-Across, for one
- Lucille Clifton creation
- Audre Lorde creation
- Work such as Nikki Giovanni's "I Wrote a Good Omelet"
- "A ___ begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness": Robert Frost
- Maggie Smith's "Good Bones," e.g.
- Rondeau
- Claudia Rankine creation
- Ada Limón work
- One might begin "Roses are red ..."
- Work by Rumi or Hafez
- Haiku or sestina
- Epigram or elegy
- Work by Ada Limon
- "Snow and Dirty Rain," e.g.
- Robert Burns' "Halloween," e.g.
- Mary Oliver work
- Something a meter reader reads?
- Sweet inclusion in a greeting card, maybe
Last Seen In:
- New York Times - March 08, 2025
- New York Times - February 08, 2025
- New York Times - January 16, 2025
- LA Times - December 12, 2024
- USA Today - October 31, 2024
- USA Today - October 23, 2024
- LA Times - October 04, 2024
- USA Today - September 04, 2024
- New York Times - August 27, 2024
- LA Times - July 16, 2024
- USA Today - June 21, 2024
- USA Today - June 05, 2024
- New York Times - April 23, 2024
- LA Times - April 12, 2024
- New York Times - February 18, 2024
- USA Today - January 25, 2024
- USA Today - January 05, 2024
- LA Times - June 04, 2023
- New York Times - May 14, 2023
- USA Today - March 17, 2023
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